Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy is a manual technique that treats trigger points that are found in muscles.
Trigger points are hyperirritable localised spots of taut muscle fibres that are usually painful and tense. Trigger points can be found anywhere in the body and are among the most common causes for musculoskeletal pain. It involves the application of pressure to the tender muscle tissue to relieve pain and dysfunction within the human muscular systems.
It can help improve flexibility and increase overall range of motion as it releases muscle tension.
As tight muscles often cause slouching and negatively affects your posture, trigger point therapy can be used to relieve pain and tightness and ease tension on the neck, shoulders, back and other areas that may be causing issues with posture.
What to expect from a Trigger Point Therapy?
This specialised therapy helps improve blood circulation to the trigger zone, stretches the taut band, and releases surrounding fascia, this is done through palpation and pincering active and latent trigger points in the muscle and pressure is applied to help release the taut band.
Since trigger point therapy uses strong manual pressure, it can be uncomfortable or somewhat painful, but it is often regarded as "good releasing pain" as it relieves a client from the knotted muscles.
Trigger point therapy and myofascial release techniques work well together and can be combined into a massage session.
ENHANCE muscle synergy. Improve your overall performance.
MAINTAIN the healthy function of your muscular system.
REVIVE your range of movement. Improve flexibility as your muscle tensions are released.
Welcome relief and comfort when taut muscles are released. Don't hesitate to call when you experience pain and discomfort.
Set an appointment with our therapist today!